BI4SME is an Erasmus+ KA2 project running from February 2022 to August 2024.

Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of helpful technology tools and practices that facilitates informed decision-making processes. Businesses that apply “scientific” management techniques, such as those based on data, improve the efficiency of their operations and drive innovation.  However, according to the EU Report “Accelerating the digital transformation of European industry and enterprises”, micro and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) still lag behind in digital technologies and face problems such as an excessively large volume of data, lack of information and lack of knowledge in this regard.  This happens mostly because BI systems are complex and difficult to handle, they require considerable funding, and most of the time SMEs do not have a specialised IT department with adequate skills to operate it and are run by the owners who might not have advanced technological knowledge. These things considered, BI4SME arises from the ambition to contribute to these emerging challenges by developing an integrated training strategy for the uptake of Business Intelligence skills by SMEs. This project will enhance the skills and implement new tools that are adapted to non-IT professionals in order to provide an innovative learning experience on the Business Intelligence skills tailored specifically to SMEs staff.

Objectives : 

– Developing an integrated training strategy for the uptake of business intelligence skills by SMEs;    

– Democratising the Business Intelligence technology to foster the SMEs’ competitiveness and growth across Europe.

Project Results : 

– BI4SME Baseline Knowledge Pack;        

– A BI skills training module with contents and tools;       

– Online BI4SME courses.

Target Groups : 

– European entrepreneurs, mainly from SMEs and Start-ups; 
– Associations of SMEs and Start-up incubators; 
– Early-stage entrepreneurs;
– MBA students and recent graduates;
– Higher Schools and Universities with MBAs; 
– VET centres focused on technical careers, such as Computer Science, Business Intelligence, Big Data, etc.;
– VET schools associations.